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The City of Kamloops is reminding families throughout the community about the upcoming Unplug and Play Family Literacy Week.
The week-long event, which runs from Jan. 25 to Feb. 1, will include various activities meant to encourage families to connect more with each other, build literacy skills and take a break from electronic devices, the news release notes.
It also coincides with Family Literacy Day on Jan. 27.
Since starting 14 years ago, nearly 9,000 students have participated in the annual Beem Credit Union Unplug and Play Student Challenge, a news release from the city says.
"At Beem Credit Union, we believe in the power of connection—both within families and across communities,” said Brian Harris, CEO, Beem Credit Union.
“Supporting initiatives like Unplug and Play Family Literacy Week aligns with our commitment to fostering healthy relationships, lifelong learning, and mental well-being.
The first event will be ABC Family Literacy Day on Saturday at the John Tod Centre Y and is targeted to families with children five and under.
All of the activities are meant to be done at each family’s own pace like the all-ages colouring contest with the Thompson-Nicola Regional Library and Beem Credit Union.
Other activities include a magic show, Try-it Sledge Hockey, Taiko drumming and fun fitness.
The City of Kamloops will also be hosting several free activities like a family swim at the Westsyde Pool on Jan. 26, a public skate at the Valleyview Arena on Jan. 29 and a family sport night on Jan. 31. Registration is needed on those last two events.
A full list of events and registration information can be found at this link or on the Kamloops Beem Credit Union Family Literacy Week Facebook page.