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UPDATE: Lac Du Bois grass fire 'just about fully out'

(Update - 10:15 am): Kamloops Fire Rescue has confirmed that the fire that started in the Lac Du Bois area of Kamloops is almost fully out.

According to platoon captain Will Harlock, the blaze reached 150 feet by 150 feet in size, though what started it is currently unknown.

"We had eight of our career firefighters and five of our auxiliaries go last night along with three of our bush trucks and two initial attack crews from forestry," said Harlock. "Forestry guys left at about 10 o'clock last night and our guys stayed on scene until just before eight this morning."

"When it started, because it is in the same area as when we had a fire last week, there wasn't any clouds or anything like that so you can rule out lightning. Who knows, it could have been someone dirt biking who doesn't have a spark corrector, it could have been sparked from a cigarette or even a little campfire... There wasn't any visual signs of what actually started it."

Harlock adds that crews are still checking on the fire this morning to make sure there is no new developments.

"We have another couple of guys up there right now in a brush truck just to reassess the area to make sure it is fully out. They're doing some coal trailing right now and we also got a member of forestry going up there to take a look at it as well."

(UPDATE: Aug. 28 @ 8:30 pm) - Kamloops Fire Rescue Platoon Cpt. Darryl Cooper has confirmed that the small fire currently burning in the grasslands of Batchelor Heights is now "under control."

The half-hectare blaze is categorized as a Rank 2 fire meaning the visible flames are slow to spread and burning inconsistently.

<who>Photo credit: KFR Facebook</who>

Currently, there is 24 personnel actioning the fire, 16 from the KFR and eight from BCWS with three bush trucks and one fire engine on the scene for support.

With earlier assistance from a bird dog and airtankers, crews managed to place a wet line around the perimeter of the fire and according to Cooper no structures are being threatened.

(Original Story: Aug. 28 @ 7: 50 pm) - BCWS Information Officer Madison Smith has confirmed reports of a fire burning in the grasslands above Batchelor Heights.

Smith said personnel are attending to the fire with air tanker support, however, she could not provide an accurate size of the blaze at this time.

According to the Kamscan Twitter account, Kamloops Fire Rescue is on scene and has also requested assistance from the Westsyde Fire Hall.

KamloopsBCNow will update this story as more information is made available.

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